Curriculum vitae
Born in Besano (Varese), Italy, in 1945.
I was raised by my grandfather and grandmother. They left permanent marks in my mind. My grandfather Oreste Albertini was a painter.
At age ten went to school in Milano. A new life - began living with two aristocratic Neapolitan sisters; Benedetto Croce was one of their uncles. We spoke French at dinner and had salons every Thursday afternoon. At age thirteen I read the four volumes of "Les Misérables" in French. I learned how to cook from Pellegrino Artusi's bible of Italian cooking. But I grew up in the foggy big city as a strange girl who had spent ten savage years between a rural school and the woods and was never well adjusted either to the aristocratic shelter or to the bourgeois friends sitting with her on the school benches. A passion for archeology filled my adolescent life.
1971 Completed studies at Università degli Studi di Milano. Degree (Laurea) in History of Philosophy. Dissertation on Montesquieu. (In Italian universities the Ph.D., otherwise called Dottorato, did not exist in 1971).
Theory and practice in those years were strongly intertwined. During the upheavals in '68 Anna Maria Brizio, my art history teacher, helped us build barricades with the biggest volumes she had.
La legge come rapporto nel mondo storico di Montesquieu - Laws as historical connections in Montesquieu"s philosophical work
1971-72 Teacher of History and History of Philosophy at Liceo Benedetti (High School), Venice Italy.
1972 - 73 Fellowship in Paris from the French Ministry of National Education.
1974 Fellowship for research in 16th Century Theory of History, from the Italian National Center for Research (CNR).
My daughter Barbara was born in Venice
1975-80 Fellowship from the Italian Ministry of National Education.
I moved to Pisa with my daughter and my first husband Lorenzo Calabi, a professor of History of Political Doctrines at the University of Pisa. Our lives became estranged in 1981.
1981 Appointed Researcher in the Department of Philosophy, at the University of Pisa. Conducts yearly seminars in History of Philosophy and in the Theory of Art.
Began writing for the Italian newspaper L'UNITA as a cultural writer.
She was one of the founders of the daily page of "Science and Technology" introducing in that page articles on video and computer art, and artist installations.
Worked for that page for ten years.
1984 After 15 years as a specialist in 18th Century Philosophy, began research into contemporary art and particularly video art.
1986 Spent 6 months in Paris, researching about digital arts at the Musée de la Ville de Paris, working with curator Dany Bloch.
Organized in Pisa with Sandra Lischi "Onda Video", a video festival supported by the City and the University of Pisa.
Co-author with Sandra Lischi of the first book printed in Italy about video and computer art: Metamorfosi della Visione (see bibliography).
1987 Organized in Pisa with Sandra Lischi the second "Onda Video", a video festival supported by the City and the University of Pisa.
1989 Member of the panel of critics at Vidéoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France
1989 - 90 Wrote articles on performance and video art and installations as a columnist for SIPARIO, an Italian theater magazine.
1990 Organized in Milano one night of performances "Il suono delle immagini", (Sounding Images) with computer artists generating music and images in a synchronous way.
Member of the panel of critics at Vidéoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France.
Presented a selection of Italian videoart and computer graphics. Grand Canal, Paris
Presented art works by Marina Abramovic and Irit Batsri. Member of the Jury. Estavar, Cataluna, Spain.
Presentated Gianni Toti"s video art work, Maison des Arts, Genève, Switzerland.
Presentated an Italian selection of video and computer art, Maison de la Culture Bon Lieu, Annecy, Switzerland.
1991 Public lecture, member of the panel of critics at Vidéoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France.
Teacher at the Summer University about video art, Lille, France, organized by the Université de Lille for the French Minister of National Education.
I had never talked so much in public in my whole life.
1991 - 93 Charged by the French Ministère de la Culture to curate an exhibition about the origins of videoart in France, she moved to Paris. (The exhibition was supposed to be financed by the DRAC of Besançon. The project was approved but the budget failed, and the exhibition never happened.) Accepted as a resident at the Cité des Arts in Paris, studying and writing about contemporary art. Focused on the work of artists Jacques Louis Nyst, Jean Louis Garnell, Erick Samak, Joan Logue. Continued writing for the cultural pages of L'UNITA.
My atelier at the Cité des Arts was located in a sixteenth century building, rue Jeoffroy l"Asnier. Two big windows right in front of the Hotel de Sens. The beautiful staircase, wooden steps consumed by centuries of human feet, was at times scattered with interesting pieces of human shit --a good remainder of a homeless life whose habits do not change over time.
1991 Lecture about J.L.Nyst, videoart and painting, member of the Jury. Semaine Internationale de Vidéo, Genève, Switzerland.
Theoretical and practical workshop with artist Dominique Barbier. Lecture. Ecole d"Art de Aix en Provence, France.
Workshop about portrait with artist Joan Logue. Ecole d"Art de Bordeaux, France.
1992 Three day workshop. Ecole d"Art de Montpellier, France.
Teacher at the Summer University About Videoart, Lille, France, organized by the Université del Lille for the French Minister of National Education.
Experimental teaching and planning for a graduate students program in digital arts. Ecole d"Art de Dijon, France.
She has been an advisor on video art in Italy for the Museo di Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato), and she regularly collaborates with the MUSEION, the Museum of Modern Art in Bolzano.
For the Museum of Modern Art in Bolzano:
Organized the symposium Museums and New Languages: Video Art.
1994 Two day presentation: Rhythms of Art and Life (Video Art, Experimental Films and Computer Graphics).
1995 Two day presentation about Bill Viola and Chris Burden entitled: Two Artists From Los Angeles, the Savage and the Explorer.
1993 Moved to Los Angeles
I had met my American in Paris, Peter Kirby. We both work in the art world. I became his wife. He gave me hope and wings, so I followed him to Los Angeles. Rachel and Hannah, his two daughters, survived the cultural shock of an Italian stepmother.
1994 - 95 Visiting Scholar at UCLA
1995 Invited as a panelist for the 13 Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois, Montreal
1995 - 99 Visiting Scholar at USC, as a fellow of the Annenberg Center for Communicatio
1997 Resigned from the faculty of the University of Pisa, a position held since 1981.
1996 Organized TECHNOLOGICAL RITUALS, a two day multidisciplinary seminar sponsored by the USC Annenberg Center for Communication and The Fisher Gallery.
20 faculty members from different departments of USC and four invited artists who are also inventors of their tools:
John Dykstra, creator of visual effects for movies (among others Star Wars and Batman)
Pat O'Neill, maker of experimental films
Woody Vasulka, author of videotapes, computer installations, interactive automatons.
Sara Roberts, author of installations about human feelings and relationships.
It was 1995 when I first put forward to Elizabeth Daley, director of the Annenberg Center, the names of four artists inventors of their tools to be a core of a multidisciplinary workshop about art, science, and technology. When she answered"How many months do you need?" I thought I was dreaming. But the offer was real and the workshops - Called Annenberg Dialogues from the platonic tradition - had their rise and fall over the time of five years. Mulidisciplinarity was finally a practice for me, not only a conjecture.
1996 Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, A Conversation about Tim Hawkinson, presentation to complement the exhibition "Tim Hawkinson: Recent Work".
1997 Curator of the exhibition Jochen Gerz-Jean Louis Garnell - Gallery RAM, Los Angeles.
1997 Taught "Contemporary Issues In Animation" at the USC School of Cinema and Television.
1998 Organized WE ARE ANIMALS AND ANGELS, AND REASONABLE MACHINES, Annenberg Dialogue N.2 Multidisciplinary seminar sponsored by the USC Annenberg Center for Communication and supported by the USC Fisher Gallery, The School of Fine Arts, The Art History Department. Invited artists:
Alexis Smith, creator of mixed media installations
Hirokazuo Kosaka, Zen archer, installations and performance artist
Harry Gamboa, author of no movies, fotonovelas, photographs, theater and videos
Tomlinson Holman, sound engineering and inventor, he has developed the THX sound system for motion-picture theaters, Home THX, and the THX Digital mastering Program.
Vibeke Sorensen., artist working with computer graphics and animation
1998 Organized THE NEVER DONE BEFORE, CREATING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, Annenberg Dialogue N.3Multidisciplinary seminar sponsored by the USC Annenberg Center for Communication, with legal experts, artists, inventors, scientists, from all over United States. Invited artists:
Michael Noll, pioneer of 3D computer graphics, human-machine tactile communication, speech signal processing
Max V. Mathews, pioneer of sound and music synthesis with digital computer
Jim Shaw, artist escaping any definition
Allan Kaprow, he creates environments and happenings where art and life are blurred
David Wilson, artist. Founder and director of the Museum of Jurassic Technology, L.A.
Susan Meiselas. artist, documentary photographer
THE NEVER DONE BEFORE, CREATING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, Annenberg Dialogue N.3. has been recreated as a web site by RA in collaboration with Joel Fox for the USC Annenberg Center for Communication..
The address is: http://hereisthe.info/Annenberg_Dialogue_No.3/
Working with Joel during the making of our web site was a surprising confrontation, I count on him to solve practical problems, but most important, we were teaching each other how to understand what the other was saying. Human communication is the least granted. I was telling him my concepts and he replied, "I do not care what's going to be inside, I want to make it work." The statement was brutal, the boy -- who was twenty five, and I the double of his age -- was absolutely serious. "He is the same age of my daughter", I told myself. But I learned quickly to avoid maternal attitudes. Soon Joel became an ageless person I was working with , familiar as a human being, an alien to me for his intellectual patterns.
1999 Lecture "Woody Vasulka"s Art of Memory between War and Brotherhood", MUSEION, Museum of Modern Art, Bolzano, Italy
1999-2000 Research Associate at USC, as a fellow of the Annenberg Center for Communication.
1999 On Dec. 5, Technological Rituals, by Rosanna Albertini, was presented in the Ahmanson Auditorium of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles,
2000 March 21st, Panel Moderator at Track 16 Nights: "For Your Viewing Pleasure: Art and Film Industry in Los Angeles". Panel discussion with Michael Masucci, Michael Renov, Patti Podesta, Robert Lowden, Warren Young.
2001 March 13, Panel Moderator at Santa Monica Museum of Art: "Tableau Vivant, A Panel Discussion" with Valie Export, Mary Kelly, Paul McCarthy, Steina Vasulka, John Welchman.
2001 Teaching: During the Winter Quarter, she taught a "Studio Class"at UCLA Department of Art
2001 Organized the exibition "Oreste Selvatico" at Gallery Luisotti.
2003-2004 Teaching: "Structures and Documents" at Otis School of Art and Design
2004 Teaching: During the Winter Quarter, she taught "Critical Thought" at UCLA Department of Art
2004 Guest curator at LMAN Gallery: "It’s About Time …" by Norman Yonemoto.
2005 For the Museum of Natural History of Los Angeles County, curator of three "Night Conversations and the pleasure of making sense". During three First Fridays Night Conversations, poets, visual artists, museum curators, musicians, and the audience engaged in conversation inspired by the "Conversations" art exhibit Participants: visual artists Paul McCarthy, Kim Abeles, Lita Albuquerque, John Valadez, Ed Moses; musicians, Tom Nixon, Enzo Fina, Catherine Alexander. Beyond Baroque Poets
2005 Teaching: "Structures and Documents" at Otis School of Art and Design
2005 Teaching: "THE ART OF READING: words, images, physical perception – a multidisciplinary class" at Otis School of Art and Design
2005 Associate curator, VIDEOFORMES Clermont-Ferrand, (France)
Presented a selected retrospective of single channel video works by Gary Hill
Dec. 9, 2005 I became an American Citizen, one of 4,071 during that morning session.
2006 Guest curator at The Circus of Books Art Gallery of exhibition: SECRET MEETING SQUAD (artists: Dawn Kasper, Rachel Portentstein, Eric Wise, Derek McMullen, Jarad Reuwsaat, Tiki Jay One)
2007 Guest Curator at Circus Gallery: Laren Lavitt, “The Wild Flower”
2007 Guest Curator at Circus Gallery: Dawn Kasper, “life and death"
2008-2009 Traveling time, to New Zealand and Mexico, along with writing. The outcome is a book: New Zealand with an Italian Accent, filled with two years of life among artists, mainly in Los Angeles and in New Zealand, and briefly in Mexico. Two months were spent in New Zealand during three different trips, absorbing late colonial relics, visiting artists’ studios and meeting the Maori people of the land in their own territories, rituals, and practice of an oral culture.
Having been a scholar of eighteenth century philosophy and a journalist for a substantial time, now immersed in American life for twenty years, I chose to accept all my previous experiences as a writer, my Italian backbone, as well as the recent discovery of American prose and poetry in my new world. I had to work on my english as a mad woman; I looked for cultural adaptation, assimilation. What a mistake. In New Zealand, far from Los Angeles, I realized how deeply Italian I am. While the concept itself of native country often dissolves in a long, widely spread texture of migrations, our personal awareness takes the time she can, she works like a magnet calling to needles all around her. I let my stories come and enter the book in a narrative mode, much more free and sparkling than my own thoughts. Philosophical tales and narrative journalism held hands for the time of writing; they made me the happiest writer, and perhaps the most skeptical.
New Zealand with an Italian Accent was also handmade by me, with Christopher Wilde’s guidance.
2010, August 7, At MINUS SPACE, Brooklyn, NY a text I wrote about Julian Dashper was in a memorial exhibition: Julian Dashper (1960-2009) it is life.
2010, November 20th, my book New Zealand with an Italian Accent was on display as an artist book at Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, in Christopher Wilde’s exhibition.
2013, July, my third handmade book, Life Piercing Art iand all three handmade books boxed together as The Paper Remembers, were exhibited as part of "The Book Shop" at Rosamund Felsen Ballery, Santa Monica, CA
Rosanna Albertini, The Paper Remembers, 2013
8 x 14 x 7 1/2 Archival and found cardboard, Fabriano paper, wool, dry flower.
Barnave e la Rivoluzione: un sogno dell'entusiasmo? Pisa, ETS, 1980.
Storia vera, Charles Louis de Montesquieu, edited, translated (first Italian translation), with a commentary by Rosanna Albertini. Palermo, Sellerio Editore, 1983.
L'abitazione nell'Encyclopedie, an anthology about the house in D'Alambert et Diderot Encyclopedia. Conceived, translated and prefaced by Rosanna Albertini. The preface is a philosophical novel: "Filosofia della casa". Milano, Mazzotta Editore, 1985.
Metamorfosi della visione, a critical collection of articles and personal statements by video artists. Edited and prefaced by Rosanna Albertini and Sandra Lischi. Pisa, ETS, 1988
Chris Burden - Bill Viola, catalogue published by MUSEION, Museo d'Arte Moderna of Bolzano (Italy), 1995
Technological Rituals, Stories from the Annenberg Dialogues, Los Angeles, Annenberg Center for Communication, 1999
Storie per Francesco (Italian), Stories for Francesco (English) hand-made book, edition of 10, Oreste & Co., Los Angeles, 2009
New Zealand with an Italian Accent, hand-made book, edition of 100, Oreste & Co., Los Angeles, 2010
White Owls – Artists I Found in Los Angeles 1994-2011, hand made book, edition of 100, Oreste & Co., Los Angeles, 2011
Life Piercing Art - A Book of Portraits and Self Portraits, hand made book, edition of 100, Oreste & Co., Los Angeles, 2013
From French and English to Italian:
Andre Lalande, Dizionario critico di filosofia, (some voices), Milano, ISEDI, 1971
William Dray, Leggi e spiegazione in storia, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1974.
Jean Starobinski, La trasparenza e l'ostacolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1982.
Mirko D. Grmek, Le malattie all'alba della civiltà occidentale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985.
Yvon Garlan, Guerra e società nel mondo antico, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985.
Alain Besançon, La falsificazione del bene, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987.
Michel de Certeau, Fabula mystica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987.
Michel Butor, Le parole nella pittura, Venezia, Arsenale editrice, 1987.
From Italian to English:
art/tapes/22, University Art Museum, College of the Arts, California State University Long Beach, 2008
From French to English:
Soto, 1995, (52 minutes, French, DVD) Terra Luna Films, Anne Morien director, 2010
Le Parc Lumiére, 2010, (47 minutes, French, video) production by Yamil Le Parc, 2010
ESSAYS on Philosophy
"Interpreti di Montesquieu tra scienze della natura e scienze dello spirito," in Rivista Critica di Storia della Filosofia, 1, 1975.
"Metodologia della ricerca storica," in Critica Marxista, 2, 1976.
"Jean-Jacques Rousseau: la conoscenza come misura dei possibili," in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, XIII, 4, 1983.
"Max Weber e le Annales," in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, VIII, 4, 1978.
"Storiografia e arte della politica nel testo originale dei Cahiers di Barnave," in Transactions of the Fifth International Congress on the Enlightenment, vol.II, Oxford, The Voltaire Foundation, 1980
"L'imitazione impossibile," in Acquario, VII, 1989
"Pas de fin pas de debut, la simultaneite de Toti", catalogue Video Arts Plastiques, Herouville Saint-Clair, 1989.
"Facce senza tracce nessun ricordo", catalogue Videoset - Videoinstallazioni/Videosculture, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 1990.
"La boussole" (text for an installation by Maurizio Camerani), catalogue Video Arts Plastiques, Herouville Saint-Clair, 1990.
"Evenements d'espace etranger", (about video installations), catalogue Videoformes, Clermont Ferrand, 1991.
"Poesie des images, Poetry of Images", (in French and English, about the Belgium artist Jacques Louis Nyst), catalogue 4th Semaine Internationale de Video, Geneve, 1991.
"La video arte non è un oggetto (Convegno su la video arte al Museion di Bolzano)," in Il Cristallo, XXXIV, 1, 1992
"Joan Logue. Portrait of a friend by a friend", (Italian, French, English), catalogue Video Arts Plastiques, Herouville Saint-Clair, 1992.
"Le chevalier des nombres", in catalogue Miguel Chevalier, exhibition at Musee d'Art et d'Histoire-Chateau de Belfort, Belfort (France), March 1992.
"Octave le canari", in catalogue Erik Samack (Grand prix d'art contemporain de Flaine 1993), Centre d'art de Flaine, 1993.
"Tryptique by Jean Louis Garnell", catalogue Les couleurs du Metro, (art in the Toulouse subway), Toulouse, April-May 1993.
"Du vide de la mémoire à la réalité des choses transparentes", (Short monograph about Jacques Louis Nyst's paintings and videotapes), in L'art contemporain en Belgique après 1980, edited by Florent Bex, Fonds Mercator publisher, Antwerpen, 1993.
"Pat O'Neill: Virtual Stories" (interview) in Art Press, July-August, 1993.
"John Cage" in Art Press, December, 1993.
"Intransitive Movie: Water and Power by Pat O'Neill", in catalogue for Videoformes 94, Clairmont-Ferrand, France, 1994.
"Fragile Wall - Shaken Certainties", Insite 1994 (San Diego - Tijuana)
"An Art Made of Memory" (virtual reality and art), in Flash Art, November, 1994.
"Un art fait de mémoire", in Esthétique des Arts Médiatiques, vol.2, Presse de l'Université du Québec, Montréal, 1995.
"A Cricket Trills", (on Tim Hawkinson) in Art Press, February, 1995.
"Longing for Reality", essay in Resolutions: Essays on Comtemporary Video Practices, edited by Michael Renov and Erika Suderburg. University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
"On the sex of art", Interview with Mike Kelley, in Art Press, September 1995
"Gary Simmons", in Art Press, December 1995
"John Baldessari - Colors of discordance", in Flash Art, (italian issue), n°195, December, 1995-January 1996
"Henry Wessel", Gallery Luisotti, January, 1996
"Hall of Mirrors: Art and Film since 1945", in Art Press 214, June 1996.
"Confusion will be my epitaph - Traumreste von Jim Shaw", in neue bildende kunst, 2 1996.
"Gerz - Garnell", catalogue, Gallery Luisotti, January 1997
"Il senso di Biron per la vita", (on the "Living Monument" by Jochen Gerz), in Il diario della settimana, 11, January 1997.
"Senza di noi le sinapsi non farebbero nemmeno due più due. Firmato, le emozioni." (on Sara Robert's installation Elective Affinities), in Virtual, January 1997.
"Jim Shaw - Rêveries of a Conceptual Artist" (French and English), in Art Press 223, April, 1997.
"Siamo angeli e animali", meeting with Michael Nash, in Virtual, February 1998
"The Dividing Eye", interview with Bill Viola, in Artpress, March 1998
"Body of Painting: Abstraction according to Kuitca", in Artpress, September 1999
"The Complete Works of Roland Barthes"- an installation by Sam Erenberg, catalogue, Gallery Sandroni Rey, Venice, CA, June-July 1999
"Greg Edwards", catalogue, African American Contemporary Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, November 1999
"Lies Kraal", catalogue, Claremont Graduate University, Peggy Phelps Gallery and East Gallery, January 2000
"I Am Not What You Are Seeing (Departures)", artpress n.257, March 5, 2000
"Bruce Conner", artpress n.264, January 2001
"inSite 2000", artpress n.265, February 2001
"Superflat", artpress n.268, May 2001
"Corporeality", text for the catalogue Yves Trémorin, We Others, FRAC Basse Normandie, France, 2000
"In the Still of Language" For the book: Enrique Martinez Celaya, published by Winand, Koeln, Germany, 2001
"Carlos Estevez", catalogue, Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, June 2001
"Oreste Selvatico", catalogue, Gallery Luisotti, July 2001
"Full Moon Rice", January 2002
"Nancy Rubins" artpress n.276, February 2002
"Sharon Ellis" artpress n.278, April 2002
"Kelly Nipper” artpress n.281, July-August 2002
“Ed Moses” - Beginning of a Portrait, September 2002
“Bones, Nails, and Footprints: LIFELIKE FORGERY” Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Los Angeles, Presentation at Symposium Quasi Come: The Beauties of Fake and Forgery in Literature and Art, October 25-27, 2002
“Rachel Mason’s Chicago Opera”, September 5, 2002
“Stories begin with a phantom”, Joan Jonas’ "Lines in the Sand", an installation at Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles, NYartsmagazine, April, 2002
“Stephen Hilyard - Inconsolable” artpress, March 2002
“Brown Blue”, Laura Owens at MOCA-Los Angeles, NYartsmagazine, June, 2003
“Zero and the Drop of Water”, Mineo Mizuno at LMAN gallery (Los Angeles) and at his studio, NYartsmagazine, summer, 2003
“Red Fire” (on Jean Luis Garnell), catalogue, May, 2004
“Feu Rouge”, catalogue, May, 2004
“Dogs and Feathers” – Liza Ryan’s work 2002-2004, catalogue, 2004
“Christmas Stars on DNA”, catalogue LMAN Gallery, 2005
“Mineo Mizuno – Water Drops 2005”, Patricia Faure Gallery, 2005
“Making Selvatico, First Name Oreste”, June, 2005
“Asian Aesthetic?” catalogue, LMAN Gallery, 2005
“Reverberations” (on Rebecca Campbell), August, 2005
“Crime Scenes – Dawn Kasper’s Performances 2002-2005”, May, 2005
“Quand les clichés deviennent de l’art”, catalogue Vidéoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France, 2006
“When Clichés Become Art”, catalogue, Vidéoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France. 2006
“Michael Markowsky’s Psycho Sites”, catalogue, 2006
“Being Boris Yeltsin”, a song for Rachel Mason, July, 2006
"Rose, Rachel and LMAN", (on Rachel Portenstein) Catalogue, LMAN gallery, 2006
"Unsafe, it's wonderful" (on laurenfannlavitt), catalogue, Circus Gallery, 2007
"A Midge in the Eyes: Being dead in Other People's Eyes", (on Dawn Kasper), catalogue, Circus Gallery, 2007
"Dwelling on Cosmic Time" (on Elizabeth Chandler), catalogue, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Inc., 2008
"Oreste Albertini (my grandfather) self-portrait, 1940-45”, in “1 Image 1 minute”, column by Micol Hebron, X-TRA, Fall ,2007
"'California Video' al J.Paul Getty Museum" (Italiano) dal 15 Marzo all'8 Giugno 2008, Flash Art On Line, Gennaio, 2008
"'California Video' at the J.Paul Getty Museum" (English), Flash Art On Line, January, 2008
"'California Video' at the Getty Museum: a Never Written History” (English), Flash Art On Line, March, 2008
"'California Video' al Getty Museum: Una storia mai scritta" (Italiano), Flash Art On Line, March 2008
"Erin Cosgrove", catalogue, C.O.L.A. 2008, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery
"'The Candidate', by Rachel Mason", Flash Art, March-April 2008
"Mindy Shapero's Inside the Bottomless Pitt", Flash Art, May-June 2008
"She Wears Sombreros" (on Rachel Portenstein's exhibiton "Sailing For Veangeance"), catalogue, LMAN gallery, 2008
"Afterglow"(English) "RIVERBERO" (Italian) Catalogue, Galleria Gianferrari, Milano, 2010 for an exhibition that never happened because Claudia Gianferrari passed away.
"NOMAD: A Home on Wheels for the Art of Living", text for the exhibition of Nomad, by Dominique Moody, at the California African American Museum, Los Angeles, 2009
"Venice Biennale 2009: Clear September Sky"
"Brown Blue, Again, and Laura Owens' luminous way of going sane", Natural Selection, issue 7, 2010
“From dead objects – To recreate life” Interviewing Dawn Kasper, 2011
“art as war, with a smile”, in Jay Stuckey Glad Day, The Company / Los Angeles, 2011
“The Dragon, The Forbidden Purple Enclosure” (Dane Mitchell’s installation), Catalogue Singapore Biennale, 2011
“Remnants / The Dragon. The Forbiddden Purple Enclosure”, text for Dane Mitchell’s installation at Starkwhite, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2011
“June 1890: McMillen in Naples”, Catalogue Michael C. McMillen: Train of Thoughts, at the Oakland Museum of California, April-August 2011
"Not Only for Looking At: Interviews with Brenna Youngblood and Dawn Kasper”, Flash Art On-Line, Sept 2013
JOURNALISM - cultural writer
Columnist for visual arts, performance and installation in SIPARIO, a theater magazine:
"La ricerca continua di linguaggi", January-February, 1989 (about "Victoria", a video installation by Marie-Jo La Fontaine at the Museum "Luigi Pecci", in Prato).
"Il sogno di Pietro Grossi" (a composer of computer music and images) July-August, 1989.
"Essere Fluxus", March-April, 1989 (Fluxus Exhibitions at Vivita Gallery in Florence and Unimedia and Studio Leonardi, in Genova).
"Donna violoncello", March-April, 1990 (Performance by Charlotte Moorman in Reggio Emilia, at the caserma Zucchi).
"Una installazione giapponese" Gen-February 1991, (About "My Life", video installation by Ko Nakajima in Clermont Ferrand, Videoformes).
"Videopoesia e tempo", December, 1990, (About Gary Hill and Gianni Toti, an imaginary dialogue).
"Dalla scultura al palcoscenico", May-June, 1990, (about Fabrizio Plessi's scenery for "La caduta di Icaro", Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Bruxelles. Music by Michael Nyman, choreography by Frederic Flamand).
(From August to October 1980, wrote a daily column about life in Pisa during the Medicis domination, (XVIth century) and today, in conjunction with the exhibition "The Medicis Age" in Florence, Pisa and Livorno. The general title was "Did you know that...")
Le mostre medicee aiutano a riguardare la città - August 9
Alle porte di Pisa nel 1552 - August 31
L'arsenale pisano divenne scuderia - September 2
Lo studente è uno scomodo inquilino - September 3
La statua del granduca è un manifesto - September 4
Una volta l'acqua non era bene pubblico - September 5
Come si trasforma la natura - September 6
Pisa era più popolata di Livorno - September 7
I Medici accolsero gli ebrei quando in molti li respingevano - September 9
I Medici ristrutturarono la città - September 10
I Medici mutarono il volto della città - September 12
La scienza credeva nella magia del liocorno - September 13
Le ville erano sobrie - September 14
Nel Granducato nobili si nasceva ma, sopratuttto, si diventava - September 16
Maria dei Medici fu strumento e simbolo della ragion di stato - September 17
Con il canale dei Navicelli l'operosità umana sfidò la natura - Sept 18
Quando andarono male i raccolti Pisa divenne il granaio d'Italia - September 19
La chiesa dei Cavalieri è un misto di sacro e di profano - September 20
I giuristi erano ben retribuiti - September 21
Pisa era difesa da fossi e paludi - September 24
Cosa si coltivava nell'orto botanico - September 25
Disputa tra Leopardi e Montaigne - September 26
I pisani si sentirono sempre estranei agli splendori dei Medici - September 27
Più del 10 per 100 delle donne veniva rinchiuso nei conventi - September 28
I pisani credevano nelle risorse della magia - September 30
La crudeltà della guerra decora la chiesa dei Cavalieri - Oct.1
Era difficile essere artistie lavorare al servizio dei Medici - October 2
L'incendio che devastò il Duomo non scoraggiò il duca Ferdinando - October 3
Solo nel '400 e '500 la pittura accolse i bambini nel suo mondo - October 4
Il mondo inesplorato del tempo dei Medici - October 21
Quei magnifici sette ragazzi con la telecamera - March 3
E con lo scudo stellare Regan forgia una spada che può uccidere tutti - March 12
Quella donna che disegnava il lato cupo delle cose - (Käthe Kollowitz) - April 12
Riscopriamo Rudolph Borchardt - April 16
Il libro dei sogni scritto dalle onde video - May 22
Nel 2050 saremo quasi dieci miliardi ma in Italia si nasce col contagocce - March 24
Giosuè Carducci, l'ultimo poeta nazionale - May 30
Ecco il cinema in provetta - October 29
Quando i caffè erano letterari e ai tavolini si faceva poesia - October 30
In viaggio con Le Corbusier - November 3
L'uomo di silicio non abita ancora qui - December 23
Ecco un computer per vedere anche ciò che non c'è - January 4
Pisa nel Duemila: una città policentrica - February 5
Perché Trieste capitale della fisica - February 17
L'ironia appesa a un filo - March 25
Il video contro lo schermo - May 4
Tutti i segreti dei nostri avi (La Biblioteca di Studi Antichi, a Pisa) - November 7
Quando il software inventa nuove lingue - December 12
Se smette di battere il cuore del computer - December 29
Il Piper One, macchina per simulare Chernobyl - February 8
Non sono solo marionette - February 13
La Gioconda immateriale - March 30 (Technological tools for images, Florence, Forte Belvedere)
Il cuore della matematica - April 11 (about Renato Caccioppoli)
In conflitto le due anime della ricerca - May 14
Regno della microsfera - May 16 (a micro-transistor invented by Federico Capasso at the Bell Laboratories)
Colorando il bianco e nero - May 20
Un campus grande come una città - May 21
Quel video è smemorato - May 26 (about Ondavideo, video Festival in Pisa)
I libri sotto i banchi - May 31
Quel connubio tra politica e cultura - June 5
Uomo etico o uomo scimmia? - June 11
La politica della scienza - June 13
Astuzia di psicofarmaco - June 13 (a congress of neuro-psycho-pharmachology)
La vita sulla terra, esperimento precario - June 23 (a theory by Vitalij Goldanskij about the origins of life)
Una malattia trascurata che si chiama città- July 4
Parola d'ordine: farmacovigilare! - July 9
Se le idee cambiano casa- Pisa città della scienza/1 - July 22
Dimmi, satellite - Pisa città della scienza/2 - July 24
L'occhio meccanico che guarisce le viscere - August 6
L'insulina capricciosa - Il diabete scritto dai bambini- August 7
Muore l'antagonismo nella favola delle api - August 12
SOS per le foreste - August 29
In natura 1 + 1 non fa 2 - September 24
Saranno scienziati - October 18
L'ecologia dell'immagine - Nov 27 (Bologna, "Immagine Elettronica")
Un'autostrada tra le università europee - December 1
Una ricerca per l'autonomia - December 18
Anarchica, vivace, sprecona ricerca italiana - December 23
La Certosa diventa Museo della Scienza - January 9
Ecco la musica in mostra - January 14 (Music Videobox in Pisa, Tony Rusconi percussionist)
Video, teatro, musica, nella stessa scatola - February 5
"Parco economico" in difesa della natura - February 25
Dopo 350 anni è stato dimostrato l'ultimo teorema di Pierre Fermat - March 9
Computer del Sol Levante - Marc 25
La lunga marcia verso il Ministero unificato - April 8
Il bambino bionico non è ancora tra noi - April 19
A Volterra un parco archeologico urbano - April 28
La storia di Vecchiano formato album di famiglia - July 2
L'inafferrabile linguaggio della video arte - August 12 (Video Festival in Locarno)
Alla ricerca dell'uomo fra ordine e caos - September 10 (Exclusive conversation for L'Unita, between Andre Jacob, Philosopher of language, Gerard Viennot, mathematician, Alain Sarfati, architect, Alfredo Pirri, artist)
La storia si vede in un attimo - October 11 (Marc Ferro writes History in Films)
Il cuore diventa adulto - October 16
Linguaggio delle proteine - October 21
La malattia urbana - November 5 (XVII Triennale in Milano- "Beyond the city, the metropolis".
E se fosse sua la malattia infantile? November 16 (Computer virus)
Buon compleanno, gloriosa Normale - November 19
La bottega del computer - December 16 (Venice- Palazzo Fortuni, a week of computer graphic and music with Mario Canali and Riccardo Sinigaglia)
L'ateneo nella palude della burocrazia - January 24
La vita spiata dai positroni- February 2
Merci Doc, parola di università - Nasce un Consorzio universitario in ingegneria della qualità- February 4
I nuovi "ingegneri della qualità" - February 15
L'arte in video sconosciuta al grande pubblico February 24
Il killer dell'infinito - February 26 (A Dialogue of minima systems between Ignatio Matte Blanco, psychoanalyst, and two computer scientists: Maria Grazia Gatti and Giuseppe Sardu)
Moving-cam, occhio che vola - May 7 (Ferrara, "Immagine Elettronica N 7)
L'orecchio del computer - June 2
Sotto il segno di Milton Glaser - Sept 10
Tra fisica e magia, l'arte - October 6 (Arte e scienza N 1)
I robot della rivoluzione - October 11 (Arte e scienza N 2, about Nam June Paik exhibition in Paris, Musee d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris)
Gli applausi di Napoleone alla scienza carbonara - October 15
Il tempo della creazione- October 22 (Arte e scienza N 3, talking to Eugenio Garin, the main italian scholar and writer about Renaissance culture and philosophy)
La simulazione dell'uomo - Nov 29 (MIT experiments of virtual reality)
La storia chiusa in un'immagine - December 4 (Woody and Steina Vasulka retrospective in Geneva, at SIV, Semaine Internationale de Video)
Dipingere a colpi di laser - December 21 (Paris, at CNAP rue Berryer, Jochen Gerz, Alain Jacquet, Peter Greenaway - Title of the exhibition: "L'instabilite")
Computer, solo un oggetto - February, 13
Il corpo a metà strada fra cielo e inferno - March 16 ( Paris, Musee d'Orsay, "Le corps en morceaux", from Greeks to Rodin)
Poesia di un microchip in TV - April 1 (about Robert Cahen, french videoartist)
Uomo, bipede che ragiona - April 24 (about the book by Jean Pierre Changeux: "Matiere a pensee", Paris, Odile Jacob, 1989)
Ma la vera novità è la vecchia pellicola - May 26 (Ferrara, "Immagine Elettronica 1990")
Arte contro il consumo - June 13 (Mario Merz, two exhibitions in Italy, for the first time in 2 Museums: Pecci Museum in Prato, Castello di Rivoli, in Turin)
Ricordando Gerace, scienziato e militante - June 26
Giocare con il video per dare fastidio - August 7 (Radek Pilar, painter and videoartist from Praga)
L'informatica è in crisi, produce democrazia - August 8
"Parleremo in HD" August 12 (about High Definition experiments)
L'arte nata ieri si mette in mostra - August 26 (Taormina Arte-Rassegna del video d'autore: Gabor Body, Michael Klier, Marcel Odenbach, Shigeko Kubota)
In punta di piedi nel nascondiglio della fata serpe - August 27 (Land Art by Giuliana Cuneaz)
Il nuovo mondo visto dagli impressionisti - September 6 (Aosta, Centro saint Benin, etchings, lithographs, by Pissarro, Manet, Degas, Renoir)
Quando Goya viene tradotto in videoarte - September 7 (Videoinstallations by Joan Logue, Bill Viola, Joel Hubaut, Marlene Puccini, in Cavaillon, France, Exhibition "L'amour de Berlin"
Giocare con il linguaggio nei laboratori dell'arte - September 16
Il tempo della realtà elettronica - October 6 (Paris, Beaubourg, "Passage de l'image")
Il sapere e il limite - October 10 (Contemporary cognitivism - after Piaget, Bergamo, an international congress)
Un po' di Marte in piena Parigi - La Grande Arche à la Defense- October 14
La scienza, poesia del mondo - Interview to the british biologist Brian Goodwin - October 20
Gli anticubisti - October 23 (Minimal Art from the Panza collection at the Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris)
Miguel Chevalier: l'Io scorticato dal computer - November 24 (Florence, Galleria Vivita)
L'arte in fuga dal cerchio nero della realta - November 29 (Expressionism from Haubrich Collection in Turin, Museo di Rivoli)
Un artigianato di immagini e suoni artificiali - December 1 (Pietro Grossi composer)
Dacci oggi il nostro terrore quotidiano... -December 4 (Aosta, Tour Fromage, Exhibition by Jacques Monory: "Sade, la revolution impossible"
I versi dell'ebraismo - January 3 (in memory of Edmond Jabès, poet and philosopher French Egyptian)
La grande guerra dell'High Definition - January 4
Gli indiscreti gioielli nel Palazzo dei Diamanti- January 5 (Lola Bonora and her Centro di Video Arte)
I colori dentro di noi - January 11 (A theory by Francisco Varela)
Un film guida per i liceali pisani - January 13 (Gianni Toti, "Terminale Intelligenza", videopoema)
L'antimuseo militante - Interview with Amnon Barzel, director of the Pecci Museum, Prato - January 26
L'assoluto sperimentale -Interview with Ida Gianelli, director of the Museo di Rivoli, in Turin - January 29
Sette classici di oggi e i loro oggetti d'arte - March 11 (Rebecca Horn, Ettore Spalletti, Michelangelo Pistoletto, dara Birnbaum, Sol Lewitt, Cindy Sherman and Savinio in Turin, Museo di Rivoli)
Artigiani nell'era del computer - March 12 (Prato, Museo Pecci "Una scena emergente", 13 Italian young artists)
Lontano dal tempo, il mondo fiabesco di Marc Chagall - March 25
Una coalizione di Muse per l'arte moderna - April 2 (Interview with Pier Luigi Siena, director of MUSEION, the Museum of Modern Art in Bolzano)
Il ritorno del surrealismo - May 10 (Paris, Beaubourg, Exhibition "Autour de Breton")
La selezione innaturale - July 4 (Darwinism and neodarwinism)
La sacralità dell'individuo dentro una scatola nuda - May 21 (Piero Manzoni - Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris)
Georges Seurat, il grande eretico - June 5 (Paris, Grand Palais)
Camille Claudel, leggerezza in una statua di pietra - June 6 (Paris, Musee Rodin)
Jeu de Paume diventa il museo delle scoperte - June 19
Dubuffet, dipingere l'innominabile - July 1 (Paris, Jeu de Paume)
Nuova musica, concreta e senza pentagramma - July 9 (Paris, Interview with Michel Chion)
Rebecca Horn il grido della farfalla - July 15 (Paris, Galerie de France)
Ma c'è polemica su quella tassa che penalizza l'arte - July 25
Parigi: Pantheon buddista, ateneo islamico - July 28
L'irrealtà del socialismo - August 1 (Paris, Musee d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, "El Lissitzky architect, painter, photographer, typographer ")
Foto indiscrete dell'umanità - Giselle Freund - September 13 (Paris, Beaubourg)
Ogni novità è un fallimento.Firmato, André Derain- September 19 (Troyes, retrospective)
Quell'incerta, frammentaria unità dell'opera d'arte - October 7 (Donald Judd at Galerie Lelong)
Munch, le onde del grido senza fine - October 16 (Paris, Musee d'Orsay, "Munch et la France")
Il vascello fantasma dell'arte minimalista - October 23 (Paris, Frank Stella at galerie Templon)
L'obbiettivo sui frammenti di realtà da dimenticare - November 4 (Angoulême, "Catalogues", by Jean Louis Garnell)
La nascita dell'immagine nei sobborghi di Parigi - November 19 (Blanc Mesnil, Portaits and videoinstallations by Joan Logue)
La sconvolgente banalità quotidiana di Hopper - December 7 (Geneva, Retrospective at Rath Museum)
Teste disperse nel vuoto - December 9 (Alberto Giacometti- Musee d'art moderne de la ville de Paris)
Quel degenerato di Max - December 21 (Max Ernst retrospective at Beaubourg)
Bob Wilson. La città del fuoco senza cenere - December 31 (Paris, Beaubourg, Installation)
A Parigi le sculture invadono la città (Cité des Arts) - January 8
Broodthaers e l'arte irriverente - February 10 (Jeu de Paume, retrospective)
I racconti fotografici di Gisèle Freund - February 1
Dipingendo con un colore solo: il bianco - March 7 (Robert Ryman Espace RENN, rue de Lille e Nancy Dwyer, Galerie Renos Xippas)
Il biologo Groucho Marx - (Interview with François Jacob about his authobiography: "La statue interieure") - March 15
L'arte alla ricerca dell'assoluto - March 16 (James Turrell at the Musee d'art Contemporain, in Lyon)
Le architetture del pensiero - March 30 (Louis I. Kahn retrospective at Beaubourg)
Il darwinismo è laico - April 1 (Interview with Henry Atlan)
Doppia vita da formica - April 15
L'arte contro i mali del mondo - April 21 (Prato, Museo Pecci, Gilberto Zorio exhibition, retrospective)
A Filadelfia Museo d'arte europea. Da Tiziano agli impressionisti - August 31
I misteriosi, fantasiosi, sensuali Etruschi - September 28 (Paris, Grand Palais)
Pablo Picasso, le nature morte e il nome delle cose - October 7 (Grand Palais, Paris, an exhibition from Cleveland and Philadelphia)
(Correspondent from Los Angeles as a cultural writer)
Americano Nero - August 18 (A documentary about South Central Los Angels after the riots)
In California i sei quadri piu brutti del mondo - September 6 (Paul Getty Museum, images of ancient Rome loved by Paul Getty)
Una pop-art targata Ford - September 15 (Laguna Museum- "Kustom Kulture", Robert Williams, Ed Roth, Von Dutch)